Set the maximum amount of backoff delay incurred in the call to onError
if the error is retryable.
Defaults to 1000 ms. Valid parameter values are [0, int.MaxValue].
Like all transaction options, the maximum retry delay must be reset
after a call to onError.
If the maximum retry delay is less than the current retry delay of the
transaction, then the current retry delay will be clamped to the maximum
retry delay.
Set the maximum amount of backoff delay incurred in the call to onError if the error is retryable. Defaults to 1000 ms. Valid parameter values are [0, int.MaxValue]. Like all transaction options, the maximum retry delay must be reset after a call to onError. If the maximum retry delay is less than the current retry delay of the transaction, then the current retry delay will be clamped to the maximum retry delay.