1 module fdb.networkoptions;
3 import
4     std.conv,
5     std.exception,
6     std.string;
8 import
9     fdb.error,
10     fdb.fdb_c,
11     fdb.fdb_c_options;
13 class NetworkOptions
14 {
15     static void init()
16     {
17         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.NONE);
18     }
20     // Deprecated
21     // Parameter: (String) IP:PORT
22     //ADD_NET_OPTION("local_address", 10, String);
24     // Deprecated
25     // Parameter: (String) path to cluster file
26     //ADD_NET_OPTION("cluster_file", 20, String);
28     /* Enables trace output to a file in a directory of the clients choosing
29      * Parameter: (String) path to output directory (or NULL for current working
30      * directory)
31      */
32     static void setTraceEnable(const string value)
33     {
34         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TRACE_ENABLE, value);
35     }
37     /* Set internal tuning or debugging knobs
38      * Parameter: (String) knob_name=knob_value
39      */
40     static void setKnob(const string value)
41     {
42         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.KNOB, value);
43     }
45     /* Set the TLS plugin to load. This option, if used, must be set before any
46      * other TLS options
47      * Parameter: (String) file path or linker-resolved name
48      */
49     static void setTlsPlugin(const string value)
50     {
51         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TLS_PLUGIN, value);
52     }
54     /* Set the certificate chain
55      * Parameter: (Bytes) certificates
56      */
57     static void setTlsCertBytes(const ubyte[] value)
58     {
59         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TLS_CERT_BYTES, value);
60     }
62     /* Set the file from which to load the certificate chain
63      * Parameter: (String) file path
64      */
65     static void setTlsCertPath(const string value)
66     {
67         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TLS_CERT_PATH, value);
68     }
70     /* Set the private key corresponding to your own certificate
71      * Parameter: (Bytes) key
72      */
73     static void setTlsKeyBytes(const ubyte[] value)
74     {
75         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TLS_KEY_BYTES, value);
76     }
78     /* Set the file from which to load the private key corresponding to your own
79      * certificate
80      * Parameter: (String) file path
81      */
82     static void setTlsKeyPath(const string value)
83     {
84         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TLS_KEY_PATH, value);
85     }
87     /* Set the peer certificate field verification criteria
88      * Parameter: (Bytes) verification pattern
89      */
90     static void setTlsVerifyPeers(const ubyte[] value) {
91         setNetworkOption(NetworkOption.TLS_VERIFY_PEERS, value);
92     }
94     private static void setNetworkOption(const NetworkOption op)
95     {
96         enforceError(fdb_network_set_option(op, null, 0));
97     }
99     private static void setNetworkOption(
100         const NetworkOption op,
101         const ubyte[]       value)
102     {
103         const auto err = fdb_network_set_option(
104             op,
105             cast(immutable(char)*)value,
106             cast(int)value.length);
107         enforceError(err);
108     }
110     private static void setNetworkOption(
111         const NetworkOption op,
112         const string        value)
113     {
114         const auto err = fdb_network_set_option(
115             op,
116             value.toStringz,
117             cast(int)value.length);
118         enforceError(err);
119     }
120 };